Jiang Chengxuan's Plan, Who Opposes? Who Agrees? (2)

It had to be said that Shen Ruyan's suggestion was very pertinent.

If they could really implement this, the environment of the state of Jiang would change drastically in less than a few decades.

At that time, the entire Jiang Nation would probably be more than ten times stronger than now.

Therefore, as the owners of the state of Jiang, they would be benefited greatly from this plan.

In the past.

They did not have the strength.


Since they already had the strength, they naturally had to pay attention to this matter.

It could be imagined that during the implementation process, they would definitely encounter many objections.

There might even be people who did not cooperate.

But so what?

In this cultivation world where power spoke the loudest, as the strongest cultivators in the state of Jiang, did they have to worry about their opposition?

A few days later.