Everlasting Palace Exchange, Grand Cultivator Su Qingchan

As an elder and core member of the Shen family, Xu Qianhe's tombstone was naturally placed at the heart of the Shen family cemetery. Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan stood before it in silence.

After a while.

Shen Ruyan turned to Shen Yuanlong and Shen Daoming and asked, "Uncle, brother, did Elder Xu ever take any disciples?"

Shen Yuanlong shook his head, "Elder Xu dedicated his life to our Shen family.

He neither had his own children nor took any disciples.

However, many of our younger family members learned array formations from him. They can be considered his indirect disciples."

"Then let's arrange for them to pay respects here when they can.

Our family's current status owes much to Elder Xu's help," Shen Ruyan suggested thoughtfully.

Then, she took out a jade bottle and handed it to Shen Daoming.