Xuan Yang Bestows Technique, Heart Inquiry Sword, Message of Demonic Calamity

"Damn it!"

The Crimson Phoenix Demon Lord's anger intensified upon witnessing the scene.

However, as it prepared to act, the void suddenly fluctuated with waves accompanied by scorching heat.

The Demon Lord's eyes narrowed with apprehension. It looked at the void with a fearful expression. Without staying any longer, it grabbed the three demons and instantly disappeared.

At the same time, in the endless astral winds, the Flood Dragon Demon Lord, who was battling Heavenly Lord Everlasting Mountain, also sensed the situation below. It didn't linger either. With a powerful flick of its huge dragon body, temporarily pushing back Heavenly Lord Everlasting Mountain, it swiftly disappeared into the clouds.

Seeing this, Heavenly Lord Everlasting Mountain didn't chase after it. Instead, he quickly descended to the ground and came to Heavenly Lord Xuan Yang's side.


At the same time.

The void in front of the two of them rippled.