Divine Demonic Orb, Contamination Array (2)

Everyone basically only had one of those orbs.

If they were used here, they would undoubtedly lose a powerful trump card from their possession.

However, they also knew that what Tian Luo just said was correct.

If they delayed here for too long, not only would it be a waste of time, but if they missed the tasks assigned to them by the Demon Lord, that would be a serious issue.

Thinking of this, the enchanting woman smiled and nodded.

"So be it, I have no objections then."

Seeing her agreement, the other five demonic cultivators also nodded in unison.

"In that case, let's do as Fellow Daoist Tian Luo says."

As they spoke, the demonic cultivators no longer hesitated and personally took to the field, approaching the Spiritual Island of the Vast River where Jiang Chengxuan and others were located.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengxuan and the other cultivators tensed up.

Was it finally time for a direct confrontation?