Level 6 Nascent Soul, Advanced to Level 5 in body tempering, Perfected Lord Flowing Snow's Request for Help (2)

Especially for someone like Jiang Chengxuan, whose strength was already well acknowledged by everyone.

Now, with his declaration of a new breakthrough, it implied that their side's overall strength had climbed another step.


The six months of seclusion, though not very long, had brought significant progress to Jiang Chengxuan's cultivation and strength.

He had not only elevated his cultivation from the fifth to the sixth level of Nascent Soul, but more importantly, his body tempering cultivation had also advanced to the late stage of the fifth level, which was equivalent to the late-stage Nascent Soul.

One could imagine that the current him, if facing his former self, could easily achieve a swift victory.

"By the way…"

At that moment, Jiang Chengxuan seemed to remember something and turned to Shen Ruyan and the others.