The War of the Human Race, A Warning

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

Wherever the platinum fireball passed,

A circle of ripples appeared in the void.

A trail of white ashes appeared in everyone's sight.

"Not good! Stop him!" The man with fleshy wings on his back shouted in panic.

However, his cries were answered with an attack from Mo Tiancheng and others.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, both sides clashed countless times, sending out powerful shockwaves that created a massive cavity in the sea below.

At the same time.

The platinum fireball that Jiang Chengxuan shot out finally landed on the five purple-black pillars of light.

Combined with the previously unleashed Purple Sun Heavenly Fire and Sun True Fire, it was as if a miniature sun had risen, spilling infinite light and heat into the pillars.


The pillars began to shake violently, and large cracks appeared on their surfaces.