Rampage, Jiang Chengxuan's Killng Spree

They looked in the direction where Jiang Chengxuan's hand landed.

Su Qingchan, Perfected Lord Wind Cloud, Sword Lord Azure Blue and the others present could not help but narrow their eyes.

It was because the spot indicated on the map was a significant stronghold of the demonic cultivators, a foundational base for their operations in the Nine Essences Cultivation World.

An attack on such a crucial site would deliver a massive blow to the demonic forces in the northern border.


The stronghold, due to its importance, was undoubtedly heavily guarded, likely by at least twenty or more Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, are we really going to this place next?"

Perfected Lord Vast River could not help but ask.

Jiang Chengxuan, however, remained resolute. "That's right. Only by clearing the stronghold of the demonic cultivators can we obtain enough leverage in this battle.