The Fall of a Demon Lord, Power Beyond Soul Formation, The Fury of Heaven and Earth's Will

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as Jiang Chengxuan finished all his preparations, a series of explosive sounds erupted from the void.

The first to bear the brunt was his Constellation Talisman.

Under the relentless assault of the blood moon, the already present cracks on the talisman's surface became more pronounced and dense.

Eventually, the talisman, which had once helped Jiang Chengxuan defeat the Eclipse Godslayer Talisman, reached its end.

With a cracking sound, it collapsed into powder, dissipating into thin air.

Fortunately, its sacrifice wasn't in vain, as the blood moon, originally as large as a star, had shrunk in size.

Following this were the various divine powers unleashed by Jiang Chengxuan under the enhancement of the Tenfold Pill.

Five-colored Divine Light, Azure Emperor's Heaven-Slaying Saber, Demon Suppressing Fist Technique, Trigram Divine Fire.