Post-War Affairs, Su Qingchan's Visit (3)

Su Qingchan nodded.

"I'll convey your thanks to my Shifu," she said.

Then, her expression became more serious as she continued, "However, there's something I need to remind you about.

The few Soul Formation forces in the eastern end are not as united as the ones in the northern border.

On the contrary, their relationship is rather bad.

Moreover, the people on their side look down on the cultivators of the northern border.

If you go, remember not to get involved in anything between them. Just do your own thing."

Hearing this reminder, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan nodded solemnly.

"Thank you for your reminder, Fairy Su. On this trip to the eastern end, we only want what we want.

Other than that, we will not cause trouble."

In fact.

They had a deeper understanding of the situation in the eastern end.

They knew that it was the second strongest region in the Nine Essences World apart from the central plain.