The State of the Eastern End's Cultivation World, Modifying Plans (2)

We paid for a Grade A recommendation letter.

But what about now?

You only gave us a Grace C recommendation letter. Can you please explain to us what exactly is going on?"

In the recommendation letters for entry into the Sunset Secret Realm, there are four grades: A, B, C, and D.

Grade A is the best, and grade D is the worst.

The former is similar in function to the recommendation letter written by Heavenly Lord Everlasting Mountain for them.

The Grade B recommendation letter is significantly inferior.

After exiting the secret realm, one needs to hand over thirty percent of their gains.

For Grade C, it's forty percent.

And for Grade D, it's fifty percent.

According to the price standards initially given by Shopkeeper Yang,

The price of a Grade A recommendation letter is more than ten times that of a Grade C letter.

Hearing Jiang Chengxuan's questioning, Shopkeeper Yang's face still bore the same smile.