Elimination, Rising Sun Hall of the Eastern End

Pop! Pop! Pop!

In an instant, the bodies of the grim-faced men and their companions burst apart in mid-air.

Their Nascent Souls were about to escape.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, several wisps of Ruby Flame landed on them at the same time.

There were several sizzling sounds.

The Nascent Souls of the sinister-looking man and the others were burned to ashes on the spot.

To their dying moment, they couldn't believe that the people they considered easily killable turned out to be so powerful.

In just a blink of an eye, the tables turned, and they were all killed.

This scene shocked the group of people that were chasing after each other in the distance.

Including the two cultivators believed to be from Sun Rising Hall. They had not expected such a turn of events at Jiang Chengxuan's end.