Sunset Marsh

In the following days, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan rode the earth dragon, exploring the Sunset Secret Realm.

They passed through the Crimson Green Forest and the Golden Autumn Canyon, eventually reaching the core of the secret realm, the Sunset Marsh.

This place is constantly bathed in the glow of the setting sun.

From a distance, the vast swathes of golden sunlight render everything a brilliant gold.

The scenery is indeed beautiful.

However, everyone who enters the Sunset Secret Realm knows that the Sunset Marsh is the most dangerous area in the realm.

Anyone who steps into the Sunset Marsh finds their Dharmic power mysteriously inhibited.

They cannot use divine powers, Dharma treasures, or spells and must rely solely on their physical strength.

Moreover, once in the marsh, one must not stay for more than two hours.

Exceeding this limit means being trapped in the marsh forever, with no exceptions.