Blocking the Way (3)


Just then, another afterimage flashed past.

Yuan Tianhao and Chu Xuantian felt an immense shadow looming over them, causing the hairs on their bodies to stand on end.

"If you dare to kill us, our ancestors will never let you go!"

Chu Xuantian roared in anger.

However, what answered him was an extremely terrifying and violent force.

He felt that all the defenses he had set up were instantly torn to pieces by the violent power.

The impact sent him flying, and before he could react further, he exploded into a cloud of blood mist in midair.

"How ridiculous. Even if I don't kill you, your ancestors won't spare us."

It was only at this moment that Jiang Chengxuan's voice sounded.

Yuan Tianhao was no longer as calm and collected as before.

In a state of utter panic, he transformed into a swift beam of light, desperately trying to escape.