Crossing the Dark Silent Forest

Half a month later, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan had crossed the border of the Eastern End and arrived in a desolate wilderness.

Shen Ruyan said,

"Husband, if we continue forward, it'll be the Silent Forest.

We both will need to close off our six senses and proceed with unwavering determination through the forest.

Only by doing so can we traverse the Silent Forest in the fastest and safest manner."

This method was indeed the safest and quickest way to pass through the Silent Forest.

The key lay in maintaining an unyielding courage throughout the journey.

Although many in Shen Ruyan's previous era were aware of this method, very few dared to attempt it.

After all, the Silent Forest was vast, and even at full speed, crossing it would take at least a month.

Imagine being in an environment devoid of sound, smell, touch, and complete darkness for such an extended period.