Exchange for the Armored Wood Vine


Fairy Wu, why didn't you inform us in advance that you were holding such a gathering?

Now that we've come uninvited, I hope you and the fellow cultivators here wouldn't mind our presence."

A voice sounded before the figure had even arrived, causing the expressions of everyone present to shift slightly.

Arrogant, how arrogant!

One could clearly see that a trace of anger had already appeared in the eyes of many people present.

Wu Bingyun was no exception.

However, as the host of this Grand Cultivator Trade Fair, she quickly calmed down after her initial emotions.

Her face betrayed no further emotion as she calmly said, "Why would we not welcome esteemed guests like yourselves?

We didn't notify you because we were aware of your busy schedules and didn't wish to intrude.

Since you are here now, please join us."