Merit Golden Lotus, Space Collapse

Jiang Chengxuan had anticipated Shen Ruyan's concerns.

If this secret realm were easy to find, Wu Bingyun would not have offered its location as part of a trade.

Fortunately, they still had ample time.

Utilizing their expertise in arrays, combined with Jiang Chengxuan's calculations and the Heavenly Eye of Insight, they spent about half a year before finally detecting the entrance to the spatial realm in a particular area.

However, this entrance was completely sealed.

Even though they had found it, without the proper method, they still couldn't enter.

Shen Ruyan was somewhat anxious about this.

They had spent so much effort and time to finally find this entrance.

It would be incredibly disappointing if they were stopped at this step.

"Ruyan, be patient," Jiang Chengxuan said, his face showing a faint smile.

Seeing Jiang Chengxuan's expression, Shen Ruyan, who was a little anxious, immediately calmed down.