Clone Jiang Chengxuan

Jiang Chengxuan truly didn't expect such an encounter upon entering this place.

He almost thought he had come across a second system.

However, the countdown in front of him quickly brought him back to his senses.

Without much hesitation, Jiang Chengxuan immediately chose to take on the challenge.


At the moment he made the decision to challenge, he suddenly felt his body enveloped by a strange force, similar to the dizziness experienced when using a super-large cross-region teleportation array.

When he looked up again, he found himself in a dense jungle.

Before he could fully react, a rustling sound came from not far away.

Then, ten early-stage Qi refinement beasts, known as Leopard Hounds, appeared in front of him.

Jiang Chengxuan recognized them at a glance as the most troublesome beasts at this stage of cultivation, a type of hybrid monster.

"Challenge the first level, slay ten Leopard Hounds."