Divine Power "Light Cut", Insta-killing a Soul Formation Cultivator


In an instant, a glaring burst of lightning erupted.

Within this lightning, there was also a fiercely intense flame.

Lightning and fire intertwined.

Sounds of tearing and ripping echoed.

The large net of invisible threads that was originally entangled and connected was instantly torn apart inch by inch.

This caused the pupils of Daoist Huan Shen to contract.

The next moment, arrows made of glittering lightning rapidly shot towards him and the other four.


Daoist Huan Shen's hands quickly formed a seal.

In an instant, a strange energy wave swept past.

The lightning arrows that were shooting at him and the other four people were actually frozen in the air just as he had said.

Subsequently, the lightning arrows that were frozen in the air seemed to be illusory as they slowly began to dissipate.


Shen Ruyan narrowed her eyes.