Fabricating a True Demon Secret Realm, Demonic Bones

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt enlightened.

Heavenly Lord Infinite Ocean suddenly said, "If that's the case, do you think it's possible to lure those guys out if we fake the secret realm of the ancient True Demon?"


The suggestion caught everyone by surprise, but soon their eyes lit up with realization.

It had to be said that if this matter could really be done, there was a 70 to 80% chance that they could lure those guys out.

The only problem was that faking a True Demon Inheritance was not an easy task.

First of all.

They would need to possess something akin to a True Demon inheritance, even if it was just a fragment or a remnant.

Secondly, creating a convincing secret realm would require at least one, preferably more, Level 6 array masters, as the task involved spatial manipulation and required deep understanding of array rules and regulations.