True Blood Ginseng, Battle in the Air

At this moment, Jiang Chengxuan understood that if he wanted to navigate through the maze, relying solely on his Heavenly Eye of Insight would likely be futile.

In fact, the limited visibility not only failed to assist him but could potentially mislead him, causing further disorientation within the maze.

To truly find a way out of this maze, without knowing the specific direction, the only thing Jiang Chengxuan could rely on was his passive divine power, Intuition of the Heavens.

Following this line of thought, he closed his eyes, allowing various intuitions to guide him.

He followed these instincts, taking one step after another, making several mistakes before finding the right path on his fourth attempt.

Upon taking the right step, Jiang Chengxuan quickly felt his body passing through some kind of barrier.

There was a splash.

He found himself in a cave.