Staircase of Inner Inquiry


As Jiang Chengxuan stepped onto the staircase, the first step emitted a faint glow.

Instantly, he felt a myriad of emotions buried deep within his heart being drawn out.

Joy, anger, sorrow, excitement, greed, and more.

Fortunately, these evoked emotions were not overwhelmingly strong.

After a while, Jiang Chengxuan managed to suppress them all.

This led Jiang Chengxuan to speculate about the nature of the staircase.

Could it be a Staircase of Inner Inquiry?

Each step seemed to represent a level of testing, and the higher he went, the more challenging it appeared to become.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Chengxuan didn't hesitate and proceeded to the second step.



The emotions evoked here were noticeably more intense than those from the first step, confirming his guess.

This was indeed a Staircase of Inner Inquiry.

The challenges would increase with each step upwards.