Stepping onto the Pinnacle

At this moment, both the Demon Sovereigns and Soul Formation Heavenly Lords from the Eastern End and Central Plain had a slightly sinister look in their eyes.

However, Jiang Chengxuan seemed completely oblivious to all this, continuing his ascent with a calm demeanor.


Suddenly, Elder Black Tortoise on the Staircase of Inner Inquiry furiously wielded his staff.

The staff grew rapidly in size, transforming into a mountainous figure, crashing down towards Jiang Chengxuan.


At the same time.

Wu Xin rang a giant bell, generating visible sound waves that rapidly enveloped Jiang Chengxuan.


But just then, a series of light screens appeared on the stair Jiang Chengxuan was on, instantly reflecting the attacks from Elder Black Tortoise and Wu Xin back at them.


The man and the demon were both slightly shocked.

But soon, their eyes turned sharp.