Falling Into Demonic Path (2)

"Quite the enthusiasm you have there, willing to sacrifice anything just to stay alive.

Such 'courage', I must admit I don't possess."

Shang Heyun, Hu Wentian, Luo Tianba, and others' expressions changed instantly.

Truth be told, they really hadn't expected to encounter Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan, these formidable figures, at the Rising Sun Hall.

This realization made their once confident hearts suddenly uncertain.

Their faces reflected their unsettled emotions.


Facing these two, whether it was Shang Heyun, Hu Wentian, or Luo Tianba, none had any assurance they could escape successfully.


At this moment.

Their thoughts were no longer on other matters, but on how they could possibly escape from the hands of this couple.

As if reading their minds, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan exchanged a glance.

Without another word, Jiang Chengxuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.