Seafall City, Perfected Lord of the East Sea Sect

Clearly, the Zhu brothers' plan wasn't just a two-man operation.

They were wise enough to know that individuals like Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan would have many trump cards up their sleeves.


For safety, they had allied with some other cultivators on the ship.

Pop! Pop!

As time passed, the fleet Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan were on arrived at a place called Yunbo Seaport.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh—

As the fleet neared the port, seven or eight streaks of light swiftly approached from the distance.

When they got closer, the person in charge of Jiang Chengxuan's fleet, a False Nascent Soul cultivator, flew out to meet these streaks of light.

After a while.

The seven or eight lights dispersed, and the leader, the False Nascent Soul cultivator, announced to everyone on the ship.

"Fellow cultivators, our journey ends here.

Please gather your belongings. If needed, we shall meet again in the future."