Demon Child of the Celestial Soul Sect, Projection of the Shadowless Demon Lord

A moment later.

In the Artifact Storage Pavilion of Seafall City, Pei Zhenhao stood grimly over a withered corpse, his face ashen with fury and despair.

Beside him was his disciple Jin Yuanping, the eighth level Gold Core cultivator, along with the pavilion's master, Daoist Sanfa, a ninth level Gold Core cultivator.

It could be seen that although Daoist Sanfa was furious, he was more terrified.

The mysterious demonic cultivator had already claimed the lives of five or six Gold Core cultivators in Seafall City, and now he had daringly targeted Sanfa's junior brother.

If this continued, then, who could guarantee that the other party would not target him, the master of the Artifact Storage Pavilion?

"Um, Senior Pei…"

Daoist Sanfa braced himself and looked at Pei Zhenhao in front of him.

"Senior Pei, do you have any way to help me find that demonic cultivator and avenge my junior brother and the Artifact Storage Pavilion?"