Mystic Night Secret Realm, Is It a Dream?


Seeing this, Xu Kuntian's pupils instantly constricted.

Obviously, he'd never imagined that Zheng Hengyu would actually make a move so decisively.

Moreover, his opening move was his famed technique, the Firestorm.

Not daring to be careless, a Divine Saber Dharma Form appeared behind Xu Kuntian.

A giant wielding a heavenly saber faced the sweeping crimson tornado and struck it fiercely.


A massive, nuclear-explosion-like halo instantly rose between heaven and earth, spreading across tens of thousands of miles.

Everything in the surroundings that was affected by it instantly turned into nothingness.

In the center of it, there was a twisted black hole that was rapidly shrinking.

It was the space that had been shattered by their attacks.

Thump, thump, thump!

At this moment, Xu Kuntian in mid-air was forced to retreat repeatedly.

Even the heavenly saber Dharma Form behind him became blurry.