Choosing Rewards and Leaving the Secret Realm

Jiang Chengxuan didn't expect that among these rewards, there would actually be a Spirit Treasure.

Although this Spirit Treasure was in a damaged state, there was no denying its nature as a Spirit Treasure.

Even in its damaged state, as long as he could refine it, the power it could unleash would be something that cultivators below Void Returning couldn't resist.

What's most important is that he still had a Repairing Jade obtained from the system on him.

With this jade, he had the ability to completely restore the damaged Spirit Treasure.

At that time, he would truly possess his first Spirit Treasure.

Thinking about this, Jiang Chengxuan no longer hesitated and immediately chose to exchange for the damaged Spirit Treasure.


As Jiang Chengxuan made his choice, a golden-flamed fruit appeared in his hand.

It was the Sacred Flame Fruit, a body-tempering sacred medicine.