Arriving at the Haoran Sect

"Junior Brother Chen, let's part ways here."

After leaving Guangyun Immortal City, the group flew for a few hours before Daoist Yun Lei turned to look at Chen Chuan and the others.

Hearing his words, Chen Chuan nodded.

"Alright, let's part ways here then," he said, turning to Jiang Chengxuan at his side.

"Martial Nephew Jiang, our paths diverge from Senior Brother Yun Lei from here on.

We'll have to go our separate ways."

Hearing that, Jiang Chengxuan turned to look at Shen Ruyan and met her gaze.

With a mutual understanding, they both smiled.

There was no need to say anything.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Swiftly, Chen Chuan and Daoist Yun Lei each took out a small spirit boat from their belongings.

After Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan boarded, they no longer lingered and sped off towards their respective sects.

In the Spiritual Realm.