Challenging the Mystic Sky Cave

"I have no objections."

Xue Ping said with a smile, shaking his head.

"Since Senior Brother Qin is willing, I naturally agree."

"Good, then let's wait for them to come back and we'll discuss this matter with them," Qin Shenwu nodded slightly.

At the same time.

Jiang Chengxuan had taken Shen Ruyan to his cave abode at Cloud Mist Peak.

During the time Jiang Chengxuan had been in seclusion, his senior brother Zhao Tianfan had upgraded the arrays around Cloud Mist Peak to Level 7.

Shen Ruyan, admiring the scenery of Jiang Chengxuan's mountain cave abode, couldn't help but smile and say, "Husband, your dwelling is quite serene."

As they spoke, she took out a spirit fruit from her belongings and fed it to an elk named Little White that had approached them.

At this moment, the two of them had already explored the entire Cloud Mist Peak.

It was then that the communication jade slips they carried lit up simultaneously.