The Phantom Race, Elders' Astonishment

"Show yourself!"

Jiang Chengxuan snorted.

The next moment, his body surged with intensely boiling blood.

Instantly, his stature skyrocketed.

Fifty feet, eighty feet, up to one hundred and twenty feet tall, Jiang Chengxuan's figure had grown to a colossal size in the blink of an eye.

Chi chi chi!

Simultaneously, Pure Yang True Fire began to rise from his body, causing the surrounding void to emit sounds akin to boiling water under the scorch of the Pure Yang True Fire.


At that moment, the shadows swirling around him suddenly twisted and then converged into a humanoid form.

This being wore a black high hat, and its eyes shone with a sinister green glow.

Its face was marked with twisted black runes, standing as if it were the epicenter of all darkness, seemingly absorbing all surrounding light.

Indeed, this was a member of the phantom race.

Jiang Chengxuan's gaze sharpened.