Three Sub-Realms of Void Returning Realm


Jiang Chengxuan's reaction was very fast. When he heard this, he roughly guessed their thoughts and couldn't help but nod.

"Sect Master, I did make it to the sixth level just now."

At this point, a hint of doubt appeared on his face. He turned to look at his Shifu and Sect Master Xue Ping.

"Shifu, may I ask what kind of opponents are on the sixth level of the Mystic Sky Cave?

Why was I instantly killed before I could even see the other party's appearance?"

"Defeated instantly?"

The group exchanged glances, with Qin Shenwu revealing a smile.

He explained, "Being defeated instantly on the sixth level, given your current strength, is quite normal.

Do you know who the opponent on the sixth level is?"

"Please enlighten me," Jiang Chengxuan requested.

Shen Ruyan, who was also curious, looked towards Qin Shenwu.

Because according to the agreement, she was also going to challenge the Mystic Sky Cave later.