Black Iron Cloud Gold

"Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, both Feng Nianchuan and Yao Anrui instinctively tensed up.

They could clearly feel the immense power behind the opponent's attack, which would require caution even for them to handle.

However, Jiang Chengxuan, still in mid-air, did not stop his motion.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Instantly, more than a dozen golden lines appeared in the air again.

The many stone grinding discs that were howling and spinning towards Jiang Chengxuan suddenly lit up with golden light on their surfaces.

Then, they were simultaneously sliced into several sections in mid-air, crashing down to the ground with a thunderous roar.


At the same time, Jiang Chengxuan's hands made a seal.

Splash, splash, splash!

Instantly, large volumes of water surged in the void, transforming into roaring water dragons that charged towards the Stone Giants!