Achieving Void Returning, Advancing to Level 7 Body Tempering

At this moment, Jiang Chengxuan's body, hands, feet, and head were enveloped by streams of green-black wind.

These winds quickly formed into tornadoes, attempting to tear his flesh from bone and scatter his soul.

Yet, Jiang Chengxuan stood firm and unyielding, like an immovable colossal mountain.

No matter how fiercely the winds blew, they could not affect him in the slightest.

Instead, they served to strengthen his physical body and purify his Primordial Spirit even further.

More than ten days later.

The green-black winds swirling around Jiang Chengxuan began to dissipate slowly.

As the winds vanished completely, the Dharma Form of his Primordial Spirit solidified fully behind him

There was a rumble.

With a thunderous noise, his Dharma Form burst forth from his cave abode, towering between the heavens and earth of Cloud Mist Peak, reaching a height of 3,600 feet.