Ultimate Treasure, Haoran Treasure Mirror

"Senior Sister, you're being too serious."

Jiang Chengxuan immediately shook his head with a smile.

"This achievement wasn't solely my doing; other Senior Brothers and Sisters also played a crucial role.

Without them, it would have been difficult for me to obtain those two treasures."

"Hehe, Junior Brother, you're really humble."

Hong Mei giggled.

She could not help but have a better impression of this legendary junior brother.

She was well aware that the Haoran Sect's gains from the recent venture into the Thousand River Secret Realm were largely thanks to Jiang Chengxuan's efforts, with some assistance from his partner, Shen Ruyan.

Truthfully, the contributions from others were minimal in comparison.

Yet, Jiang Chengxuan chose not to monopolize the credit, generously including everyone's efforts.

To be honest, this action was very commendable.