
The expressions on many faces were notably grave.

They had not anticipated that three of their own Void Returning Divine Lords, including one who had reached the Celestial Radiance stage, would fall at the same time.

If the fall of two cultivators in the Dharma Form stage was unexpected, then the demise of Senior Brother Gui Ming, who was in the Celestial Radiance stage, was outright shocking.

What exactly had happened that could cause the simultaneous demise of three Void Returning Divine Lords?

As everyone was speculating in their minds, suddenly, three exceptionally powerful presences appeared before everyone in the Elders' Hall.

These three figures were none other than three mighty beings of the Seethrough stage.

The Void Returning elders immediately stood up and bowed.

"Greetings, Senior Brothers!"

The three Seethrough cultivators nodded.

At that moment, one of the men clad in black spoke: