Killing an Eldarian Cultivator

Jiang Chengxuan immediately turned around.

There, in the midst of the fray, two figures were locked in combat.

With just a glance, Jiang Chengxuan recognized the combatants: one from the eldars and the other, a creature native to this island.


Cultivators from other realms had ventured into the Immortal Peak cave abode, just as they had.


Suddenly, the eldarian cultivator conjured a transparent, small sword at his brow.

The island creature, caught off guard, was pierced through the forehead by the ethereal blade.

In an instant, the massive body of the island creature froze in place.

Jiang Chengxuan could clearly feel that the creature's soul had been extinguished with that single strike.

Unexpectedly, the eldarian cultivator had mastered such a formidable soul-attacking technique.

Suddenly, the eldarian cultivator's gaze shot towards Jiang Chengxuan, with a loud cry erupting from his lips.