Colluding with Outsiders to Ambush Jiang Chengxuan

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chengxuan, Shen Ruyan, Qian Mengchen, and the others couldn't help but look solemn.

From the content of the test alone, the process seemed straightforward.

However, it was this simplicity that revealed the underlying ruthlessness of the challenge.

Setting aside what they might encounter on their way to the mountain, just the process of climbing it could prove to be exceedingly dangerous.

Moreover, the test details did not specify whether they would encounter other teams during the ascent.

If they did, would driving those teams away or even eliminating them reduce competition and potentially secure a victory in advance?

If these thoughts occurred to Jiang Chengxuan and his team, other participants and teams would likely consider them too.

"It seems we need to hurry."

Jiang Chengxuan turned to Qian Mengchen and the others with this remark.

They nodded in agreement.