You Actually Joined Forces With The Eldars?


A gush of fresh blood erupted from the mouth of the leader with the blue face.

His eyes widened in shock.

He looked at Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan with disbelief, unable to accept what was unfolding before him.

"Mid-grade Spiritual Treasure, you actually possess a mid-grade Spiritual Treasure!"


Without any unnecessary words, radiant beams of light suddenly erupted around Jiang Chengxuan.

His terrifying punches, like a downpour, continuously bombarded the body of the blue-faced leader.

A series of explosive sounds echoed.

The defensive treasure in front of the blue-faced leader managed to hold up only for a moment before it exploded with a thunderous boom.

The remaining fist imprints instantly landed on his body.

Accompanied by a scream, the blue-faced leader was instantly reduced to a mist of blood.


At the same time.