The Spring of Enlightenment, Grasping the True Essence of Rules


At the same time.

Everyone still within the Immortal Peak cave abode also received this message.

This caused their expressions to change immediately.

However, before they could react, they felt their bodies enveloped by an irresistible force.

In the blink of an eye, these individuals were all transported out of the Immortal Peak cave abode.dwelling.

At the same time.

Jiang Chengxuan, Shen Ruyan, Qian Mengchen, and the others were also transported by a strange force into a separate space.

Finding himself alone without Shen Ruyan, Qian Mengchen, and the others, Jiang Chengxuan instantly understood.

This must be the place where they would receive their rewards for passing all the tests.

However, since everyone's contributions and efforts were different, the rewards they would each receive also varied.