Hiring Demonic Cultivators, Eternal Sword Sect's Conspiracy

As Jiang Chengxuan observed, two figures shrouded in dense, malevolent energy made their way into the Eternal Sword Sect's camp.

This immediately raised his suspicions, as the intense aura of malevolence surrounding these individuals was not characteristic of righteous cultivators.

It was highly likely that they were cultivators from the demonic path.

The thought that the Eternal Sword Sect might be colluding with demonic forces crossed his mind but was quickly dismissed.

It seemed improbable for the Eternal Sword Sect to engage in such foolishness.

However, the possibility of them hiring a few demonic cultivators to assist in the shadows was more plausible.

Given the appearance of these individuals, it was clear they were not from any significant demonic sect, making it difficult to accuse the Eternal Sword Sect of collusion based on their involvement alone.