Plundering Treasures, VS Divine Lord Soul Lock

Stepping into the palace, Jiang Chengxuan and his companions were immediately greeted by an astonishing sight.

They immediately saw treasures placed around the palace.

Crimson Dragon Crystals, Lightning Tribulation Divine Wood, Nine Suns Soul, Void Soil, Millennium Cold Iron…

And so on and so forth.

Moreover, amidst these treasures, several powerful Spiritual Treasures were suspended within glowing shields.

With just one glance, Jiang Chengxuan and the others could recognize that among these Spiritual Treasures, no less than ten were of top-grade quality, and astonishingly, two of them reached supreme-grade.

Such a trove of treasures, even for mighty cultivators like Divine Lord Frostblade and Yue Chanjuan, who were at the Seethrough stage, caused a slight hitch in their breaths.

The bounty before them was beyond anyone's wildest expectations.

However, they quickly regained their composure.