Origin of the War, New World

Xue Ping paused briefly before continuing,

"For this conflict, our Haoran Sect, as always, will stand alongside our allies from Thunderclap Valley.

Our opponents are the super and overlord sects of the demonic path, the Ghost Hall and the Joyous Union Valley."

"Huh? The Ghostly Hall and Joyous Union Valley?"

The mention of these names stirred the assembly, as these two demonic sects were well-known to everyone present.

The Haoran Sect had clashed with them numerous times in the past, though those encounters were mostly limited to the Soul Formation and Void Returning levels, never escalating to involve Dao Integration Saints as it did now.

This time, the conflict threatened to draw upon the very foundations of their sects.

Xue Ping then elaborated on the details of the conflict, eventually dismissing everyone to await further instructions from the sect.