The Culprit


Shen Ruyan was visibly startled.

Throughout the years, this was the first time she had seen her husband like this.

"Did something happen?"

She immediately asked with concern.

Jiang Chengxuan nodded.

"I just received news that my senior brother, Zhao Tianfan, was severely injured in the battle against the Ghost Hall. His foundation has been damaged, and I need to go see him right away."

"Has Senior Brother Zhao been brought back already?"

Shen Ruyan asked with concern.

Jiang Chengxuan nodded.

"He has been brought back and is now recuperating on Shifu's Shenwu Peak.

Ruyan, come with me to see him."


Shen Ruyan nodded immediately.

Soon, the couple left Cloud Mist Peak and made their way towards Shenwu Peak.

Upon arriving at Shenwu Peak, they found Xie Xiangyao with a grim expression, looking at Zhao Tianfan, who was still unconscious on the bed.