Special Mission, Searching for the Land of Dao Origin

Clearly, regarding the exploration of the new world, not a single person present wished to opt out.

Xue Ping and the others seemed to have anticipated this response, nodding slightly in acknowledgment.

"In that case, let me outline the personnel arrangements for the upcoming journey to the new world.

Our Haoran Sect will be joining forces with Thunderclap Valley for this expedition.

The leaders of our teams will be Dao Integration elders from both our sect and Thunderclap Valley.

You will just need to follow their directions."

Following this, Xue Ping shared more specific details with everyone present and then added,

"If there are no further questions, then our expedition to the new world will depart in a month."

After most attendees had left, Xue Ping and Leng Yuehua, along with other senior figures, asked Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan to stay behind.

"Martial Nephew Jiang, Martial Niece Shen, please stay for a while."