Guardian Spirit, Sudden Madness

"Huh … ?"

Just when everyone's attention was mainly on Jiang Chengxuan, the natural barriers of the medicinal garden, predicted to dissolve on their own in half a year, suddenly began to ripple.

This unexpected development quickly shifted everyone's focus.

"What's happening with the natural barriers of this medicinal garden?"

Confusion flashed through everyone's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by shock as they noticed something.

"Look! What is that?"

At that moment, the ground within the natural medicinal garden began to tremble, and a terrifying aura slowly emanated from the source of the rumbling.

Suddenly, a creature resembling a giant dragon appeared before everyone's eyes.

"That… what is that?"

A wave of horror spread across the faces of those present.

Someone recognized the creature and exclaimed in shock.

"It's… it's the guardian spirit of the garden!"

"Guardian spirit?"