Rejecting Southbright, Abyssal Demon Attack

Upon hearing Daolord Southbright's words, Daolord Allheaven's face immediately displayed a hint of annoyance.

Did Daolord Southbright truly think him a fool?

The disputes between Haoran Sect, Thunderclap Valley, and himself were well known.

Agreeing to such a request would not only compromise his standing with these sects but also affect how others viewed him.

In a moment, Daolord Allheaven had made his decision and shook his head at Nanming Daolord,

"I'm sorry, Daolord Southbright, but I'm afraid I cannot accommodate your request.

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan will have specific assignments from our Pantheon Sect.


I can only offer you my apologies."

The smile on Daolord Southbright's face froze.

He had expected Daolord Allheaven to grant him this favor, given their mutual status as Mahayana Daolords, but the outright refusal caught him off guard, leaving him feeling as if he had punched cotton.