Daolord Discussion

In the Haoran Sect's council hall, three inconspicuous beings sat in tranquility.

To any passerby cultivator who didn't scrutinize closely, even those at the Dao Integration Realm might fail to notice their presence, for they had merged with the world, becoming one with the Dao.

During these times, the Floodgate Realm had been embroiled in warfare due to invasions from the demon beasts, deepsea nomads, and eldars.

Yet, the truly terrifying entities of the four realms had not yet intervened.

These formidable beings' true strength transcends this world, and their full-force combat could potentially destroy not only the Floodgate Realm but possibly the Tianyao, Tianling, and Changhai Realms as well.

They are revered as Mahayana Daolords.

In this world, they stand as the most powerful beings, capable of invoking the ascension light for a chance to ascend to higher realms.