Negotiation of the Foreign Races, Killing the Humans

As Jiang Chengxuan and his team were cautiously navigating the territory of the foreign races, the core areas of several major foreign powers were bustling with activity.

Despite the invasion of the Floodgate Realm by the three external realms, life in these foreign races' territories seemed unchanged from any other day.

In the heart of the foreign races' rule lies a grand council hall, not belonging to any one race but jointly owned by the three.

Millennia ago, their ancestors ended their internal conflicts and established this tri-racial council hall, setting a rule that forbids any conflict within the central area.

Whenever there are major decisions or conflicts of interest between the races, the high-level members of all three must first discuss them here.

Over time, this place has become a sacred ground for the foreign races of the Floodgate Realm, maintaining harmony between the demon beasts, deepsea nomads, and eldars.