The Situation in Northern Sky

While Jiang Chengxuan and his party were still on their way, the Northern Sky Domain had already become a hell on earth.

Among the nine major domains of the Floodgate Realm, the sects in charge of guarding the Northern Sky Domain were relatively weaker.

Initially, the responsibility for guarding the Northern Sky Domain was given to sects located near this area,

However, there were no particularly strong forces near the Northern Sky Domain.

The region of the Floodgate Realm that borders the Northern Sky Domain is a very cold and barren area,

With a sparse population, which naturally means fewer cultivators in the area.

The only forces that could be considered superpowers in this area were the newly risen Frozen Heavens Doorway and the Extreme Yin Sect.

These two sects, acting as brother sects, jointly held the power over this region.