Beyond the Domain, the Great Battle of Mahayana

The pitch-black gateway emitted an aura from beyond the domain, extremely profound, serene, and ancient.

This gate neither led to the world of Abyssal Demons nor to the Three Realms. It led to the outer regions of the Spiritual Realm.

Inside, chaos ruled, filled with the chaotic energy and various peculiar powers born from the creation of the world,

If one below Mahayana entered by mistake, they would fall into the cycle of reincarnation forever,

Lost forever in the boundless space and time of the outer domain.

But only in the outer domain could the Mahayana Daolords engage in battle.

"Let's go."

The Mahayana Daolord of the Pantheon Sect took the lead, stepping into the world gate and arriving in the outer world.

In an instant, he felt the laws of the world turning into chaos, and disordered energy filled his senses.

In the outer domain, deep and endless, countless stars illuminated the pitch-black world, incredibly dazzling.